Companion Care at Home Tips to Avoid Senior Scammers

Senior Scams: Personal Care at Home West University Place TX

Senior Scams: Personal Care at Home West University Place TX

Every year, seniors all over the country end up losing billions of dollars to scams. Any senior can be scammed, even if they try to stay up to date on the latest scams that are targeting seniors. But there are some things that seniors can do to make themselves less likely to be the targets of scams, including having a trusted companion care at home provider. By making themselves less appealing to scammers seniors can protect themselves and their money.

Get Companion Care at Home

Seniors that have companion care at home will benefit from the company of a trusted caregiver. Along with the benefits of having someone there to talk to, do activities with, and go run errands with seniors get the benefit of being less attractive to scammers. When seniors are out shopping, out to lunch, or out running errands with a caregiver they are less likely to be targeted. Especially when they have someone helping them keep track of their money and credit cards. Companion care at home can improve a senior’s mental health and help protect them from scams.

Get Rid Of The Landline

Having a landline is kind of controversial these days. Some seniors that are aging in place want to keep their landline in case the power goes out or their cell phone dies. That makes sense. But, having a landline can also make seniors a target for scammers. These days most of the calls that arrive on a landline are from scammers. So having a landline increases the risk of a senior falling prey to scammers because they will receive more scam calls. Some seniors may like the extra security of having a landline, but getting rid of it can be a big help in protecting seniors from scams.

Sign Up For Activity Alerts

Seniors should always have activity alerts on their credit cards and bank accounts. Any co-signers on the accounts should also have security alerts enabled. Whenever the cards are used or the account is accessed an alert will be sent out. That way if your senior parent does have an account that is hacked or a credit card that is stolen they will be alerted as soon as the thief tries to use them. Fast action can help prevent a lot of problems trying to recover a stolen identity.

Lock Down and Use Social Media Wisely

Social media is a very common way for seniors to be victimized. Scammers can use the information seniors put on their social media profiles to convince seniors to give them money or buy them gift cards which are untraceable. Seniors should make sure that their social media profiles are using all possible security protocols to make the account secure. And they should also be changing their passwords frequently. It’s also a good idea for seniors to not add anyone to their social media unless they know that person personally.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Companion Care at Home in West University Place, TX, contact the caring staff at Personal Caregiving Services at 832-564-0338. Providing Care in Houston, Bellaire, West University Place, Katy, and Sugar Land and the surrounding areas.

Sid Gerber